Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Murphy's Law

I haven't written an entry since last Friday for two reasons: (1) I was drunk; and (2) I've been feeling, quite frankly, like shit. Saturday night out with the girls (and guy) was pretty good; it involved a strip club, British accent(s), dancing (even bad dancing with randoms), and a good (but not enough) amount of alcohol. Hehehe. This was followed by the good ole after party ritual of 4am Maccas (mmm, freshly cooked fries for the win!).

Working the day after a big night out is always a struggle. With only 3 hours sleep, I managed to get to work on time without microsleeping and coffee or any energy supplements to sustain me. I was a machine. Soon enough, as I got home, Zzzzz land could not wait and I KO'd. I woke up 5 hours later with a somewhat hectic headache. Woo, go me... -_-

Yesterday (Tuesday), I was quite cranky after work. I was tired and hungry in the car, waiting for my mom to finish work - I just wanted to get home so badly. She suggested that I take the M5, thinking that it would be quicker. Wrong. I took a wrong turn so I had to find a place to my left to pull into and chuck a U-turn. I'll skip some details here - in the process of doing a U-turn, I accidentally reversed the car and bumped into a man behind me. Not a car, a man. I was horrified and my mom was screaming frantically at me. The man was okay, but he obviously wasn't happy. Thankfully he let me go without any charges whatsoever. *phew* I thought I was gonna snap while driving back home, but I didn't.

And if that wasn't bad enough, while I was still shaken up from merely badly injuring or even possibly killing a guy, I almost stacked it going in the house, bit my tongue while eating dinner and to top it all off, sliced my right pinky while washing a knife (1mm deep). And it was in the last incident that I snapped. I screamed my lungs out. Up to now I could still remember how it felt when I cut it *cringe*. It was the perfect example of a Murphy's Law night. Whatever CAN go wrong, WILL go wrong - I never knew how much that law could make sense. However, amidst all of that, I realised that I'm actually pretty lucky. You must be thinking: 'what the hell is she talking about?' Let me explain: you see, I COULD have badly injured or killed that man, but I didn't. I could have fallen flat on my face going in the house; I could have burnt my tongue instead of bitten it; and I could have sliced my finger off, but I didn't. So in a way, I am pretty darn lucky =)

Don't get me wrong, I still think that Murphy's Law is true to an extent, but it takes real skill and will-power to overcome such philosophy ;)

Til next time..

xx aBz

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